How does Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia raise funds to build 35 carts a week?

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Maker of the PET Mobility Cart since 1994.

Let’s keep the numbers growing!

Give the Gift of Mobility, Dignity, and Opportunity!

Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia update

A mission project like Mobility Worldwide assumes tremendous responsibility when it launches itself as a humanitarian project. (8/19: World Humanitarian Day. This day commemorates those who have lost their lives in humanitarian service.)

First, it assumes a serious fiscal responsibility to manage its affairs in keeping with state and national laws concerning not-for-profit organizations, often called “501-c-3s”. Almost at the very beginning of, then “PET”, Kathy Maynard, a trained professional, was hired to maintain good order in the financial books. With both her computer skills and organizational memory, she runs a tight ship. (Together we create these Updates. I write the text; she adds to it, edits & forms the mass email.)

Second, it assumes a responsibility to the recipients of the hand-cranked wheelchairs so badly needed by millions of leg-handicapped individuals (Tanzania below). They have so often been disappointed by groups who come and see their need, promise to go back and do something, then don’t. When MW enters an area and begins to give out Mobility Carts, hope rises in those who also need help.

Continuity is needed.

Third, volunteers need the reliability of a steady and ongoing project. Many make significant sacrifices of time and lifestyle to work at the shop. They need to know that what they are doing today will still be needed tomorrow.

(Pictured: Dewey Amos in shop working on crank handles.)

Fourth, suppliers need to know that bills will be paid. They often give us reduced prices, but they need a check following their sending a bill.

Fifth, donors need to have pride in an organization that is steady and not faltering.
That all emphasizes the importance of fund-raising, and to the importance of a steady flow of donations into the organization. A recent report from Kathy, plus some observations from me, says that:
*** Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia has a good “retention rate” of 61%. That means that once a donor starts giving they continue. But what about the other 40%? Some of those, I think, are persons who give “in lieu of flowers” in memory of a person, but whose contact with MW is fleeting.
*** In 2016 4% of ‘individual donor’ income was raised online.
*** 43% of MW ‘individual donor’ income came from families giving $1,000 or more.
*** Year by year income for MW has remained very steady, with slight growth most years.
*** MW had 717 individual or family donors in 2016, which represented 65% of the $440,185 total that was raised.
*** That is, I think, the report of a healthy organization. Day by day we keep promises made, and our donors keep supporting the organization.

Thank you to all represented in these stats. Thank You!!
“Promises may get friends, but ’tis performances that keep them.” – Thomas Fuller, 1752

Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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