Mobility Carts reaches Ekwendeni CCAP Mission Hospital in Malawi

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Complete consignment of Carts in the warehouse

Receive warm greetings from Ekwendeni CCAP Mission Hospital in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On behalf of the Management and staff of Ekwendeni CCAP Mission Hospital, I write to acknowledge receipt of a container carrying Mobility carts on 28th July 2017 details as below;

1. 88 Large Mobility Carts
2. 86 Small Mobility Carts
3. 21 Pull Mobility Carts
4. Spare parts for the Carts.

These mobility carts will be of much help to the people we serve in our catchment area who are physically challenged and are unable to walk on their own. We have a great demand for wheel chairs which will now be substituted by these mobility Carts.

We are very thankful to our donor Mobility World Wide and to Medshare for finding the donor and facilitating the shipment of this container. May God richly bless you all as you continue helping those who are unable to walk on their own World wide.

Kind regards,

Patrick Tembo
Senior Administrative Officer
Ekwendeni CCAP Mission Hospital

Truck on arrival carrying the Carts
Off loading the Carts from the Container
Packing the Carts in the warehouse

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