Malawi Project: Chipiliro’s Dream Comes True

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From Chipiliro’s Dream Comes True:

Chipiliro and Griven

By Malawi Project | March 6, 2020

Salima, Malawi … It is not often an orphan boy from an impoverished African nation can grow up and fulfill the dreams of others, but that is happening in the tiny nation of Malawi. Griven Kasalika, grandson of a well-known, now deceased, Malawi preacher, orphaned by the death of both of his parents at an early age, moved from place to place to live with relatives, is now fulfilling two of his dreams, one, the dream to work along-side the very people who helped him when he was growing up, and the other to become like his grandfather who helped change the lives of thousands of his countrymen. It was in the trading center of Mponela that his dream was born, and it is now beginning to stretch all over his land.

On this particular day Griven makes the dreams come true of another Malawian, one whose dream has been to move about his village, go to school, gain an education, to church services, community events, and to care for himself, and those with whom his life interacts. His name is Chipiliro Mizeki.

Chipiliro is in his 20’s, and for some time, he has dreamed of having one of the mobility units he has seen near his home. But, being a destitute child, he has had no feelings about ever owning one himself. In his part of the world, there is no Medicaid, no medical insurance affordable for a person such as himself, and no hope he might ever own a unit of his own. However, his name had been submitted to Action for Progress by a community development group, and unknown to Chipiliro, when Griven Kasalika, an orphan, and Wilson Tembo, also growing up an orphan, arrived at Njati Village, they were there for him.

Because of the support of the Malawi Project, Mobility Ministries, Action for Progress, and two orphan boys, one named Wilson, and the other named Griven, the dreams of Chipiliro have come true.

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