(more photos) 30 Mobility Carts distributed in DR Congo; thousands still needed

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From Rev. Dr. Jonas Muyima:

I just wanted to let you know that I’m back from Congo Democratic Republic mission work.
I came safely on Friday evening. The whole trip was blessed by God grace.
I did the distribution of 30 PETS in different locations: 2 in Kinshasa, 2 in kikwit, 11 in Gungu, 2 in Mukedi, 1 in Samba khonde, 1 in Mukoso and 11 in Kahemba.
People were amazed to get these personal energy transportation carts for free and expressed their gratitude to Mobility Worldwide for these outstanding gifts. In each location, I was overwhelmed by the number of legs disabled who showed up and went home without getting a PET because of the limited number we shipped to Congo. We asked them to get registered for a possible distribution next year.
Kahemba itself has 1000 legs disabled people victims of konzo disease. Because of the urgent need there in kahemba, I’m planning to go there for a special educational awareness and distribution of 60 or more PETS on Monday, December 3 the International Day of Disabled Persons (Persons with Disabilities). We have a lot to do in kwango province because of the active presence of konzo disease.

God put us together for a purpose and what I saw with my eyes is a special call for help. God creatures are in horrible suffering. Something needs to be done to empowering the legs disabled lives. Praise God for the PETS Mobility Worldwide has. Have a blessed evening.

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Jonas Muyima
All Nations Holistic Church


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