2018 Annual Conference, Stow, Ohio
All the Good You Can Do – Mel West (13:49 video)
“Now that he has the mobility unit, he will enroll for primary education”
From Mobility propels teen on academic journey:
By Richard Stephens | February 21, 2018
Shadreck Changes Course
Shadreck Makombola was born in the village where he currently resides, Likhomo Village in Southern Malawi. As he neared the age of 5 the problem became more and more evident. By the age of 14 years of age, the boy’s body has become almost useless. Some concluded it was Muscular Dystrophy, while others did not see this conclusion in the evidence. Without the availability of resources, tests, and modern equipment available only in the west the source of the problem eluded the family and medical people. Whatever was the source of the problem there was one thing sure; the problem could not be solved. Shadreck had a problem that was causing critical loss of muscle mass and strength.
MH4H delivers four Gifts of Mobility Carts
Schedules are made but plans change – especially when you’re in Haiti. The Sunnybrook team may have been thrown for a loop but that didn’t slow them. See how the the team has been running the path laid out for them regardless of where it leads.
We all got ready and headed to Ranquite (Ran-keet) to deliver four Mobility Carts to selected individuals in need. Picture this, four carts all in boxes placed in the bed of a 5-6 foot truck while carrying 8 adults on top for about an hour drive. Three lucky team members road on the back of motorcycles. The Mobility Cart recipients are individuals are unable to walk, or walk well, or have no use of their lower body. In order to operate a Mobility Cart, the recipients must be able to demonstrate they can operate the hand crank and brake. Unfortunately, if they could not operate it, they were not able to receive it. But you know what, within minutes of arriving the team learned just how much of an impact this Mobility Cart delivery would be for not only the recipients, but the community as well. The team was fortunate enough to meet the four recipients, their families and the local Pastor and hear their stories as to how they became disabled.
The time came for the individuals to try their Mobility Carts out. It was a beautiful sunny day but the smiles on the individuals faces shined so much brighter! Their smiles were contagious and they only grew when they were given the gift of mobility. For some of them, it has been 10 years since they have been able to move on their own. The individuals took off down the street for their “test drive” with the community members running alongside of them, cheering them on the whole time. The emotions cannot be expressed.
Mobility Carts sighted in Hinche Mountains in Haiti
Orphan Grain Train reports:
“We had given 17 pets to the handicapped group in hinche mts
Sunday when we were there we counted 7 people driving all over on their carts!!!
If they did not have the mobility of the carts they would be confined to a wheelchair”
(The Mobility Cart is a “wheelchair that goes where wheelchairs can’t go”!)
4-H.I.M. & Pastor Mondji distribute Gifts of Mobility Carts near Lomé, Togo