Snapshots 2006-12

(Current year shipments)

Zambia, Africa
US Navy Hospital Ship Comfort

These are some of the shipments from our Affiliates that PET International helped coordinate:

September 2012 63 1040i in OK for Morocco and Ivory Coast
September 2012 140 D.O.V.E. Fund for Vietnam
Summer 2012 232 Shipments to MedShare in CA and GA
Summer 2012 224 Shipments to Gleaning for the World
April 2012 420 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to the Assemblies of God in Nigeria
April 2012 230 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to Mission Internationale D’Evangelisation Et De Reveil Spirituel in Benin
April 2012 202 Foundation to Encourage the Potential of Disabled Persons in Thailand
March 2012 542 42 PETs and supplies to build another 500 to PET Zambia
February 2012 210 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to Point Hope Foundation in Ghana
Early 2012 160 2 shipments to MedShare in CA and GA
December 2011 20 One of our FL Affiliates resupplies Hospital Albert
Schweitzer in Haiti.
December 2011 16 One of our Affiliates in MO supplies Mennonites in
Paraguay. This being the first shipment to this country.
November 2011 20 Our KS Affiliate provides Pull PETs for Samaritan’s
Purse for their worldwide work.
November 2011 113 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to the
Dominican Republic
November 2011 208 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to Hospital
Regional de Ayacucho in Peru
October 2011 105 US Navy’s Project Handclasp delivers to Fundacion Ministerios Medicos Para Ninos in Colombia
October 2011 170 Orphan Grain Train
September 2011 540 Affiliates in FL, MO and TX supply Lions Clubs in India
September 2011 82 Affiliates in MI & KS send
PETs to CHaRA for Tanzania
August 2011  181 Gleaning for the World
May 2011 130 PET MO-Columbia donated 130 PET carts for Vista par todos, in Manta Ecuador
April 2011 158 PET Penney Farms donated 158 PET carts for Mission Inter Senegal
April 2011 169 PET San Antonio donated 169 PET carts to Arms of Mercy in Honduras
April 2011 166 PET East Jewett NY, PET TX-Luling/Brazos Valley, PET Memphis & PET Holland, MI combined 166 carts for Mission Internationale de Evangelism et de Reveil Spirituel in Benin
March 2011 130 PET MO-Columbia donated 130 PET carts for the ADHU in El Salvador
March 2011 50 PET Holland, MI donated 50 child PET carts to MedShare 
March 2011 174 PET Tampa, PET TX-Luling/Brazos Valley and PET East MI donated a combined 174 PET carts to MedShare bound for Ecuador
March 2011 72 PET Columbia, MO donated  PET carts to Hope Haven Int. for Tonga & Micronesia
February 2011 20 PET Ann Arbor, MI donated 20 adult carts via Global Aid Network
January 2011 105 PET Penney Farms donated 105 PET carts to Care Belize
January 2011 192 PET Penney Farms donated 192 PET carts to Hope Haven Guatemala
January 2011 20 PET Holland, MI donated 20 child PET carts to Rays of Hope bound for Haiti
January 2011 15 PET Holland, MI donated 15 child PET carts to Arms of Mercy for Honduras
January 17, 2011 180 Gleaning for the World from 4 Affiliates
December 21, 2010 181 Orphan Grain Train for worldwide
December 12, 2010 148 Guatemala – Hope Haven International Ministries
November 17, 2010 28 GAiN for worldwide
November 2010 117 Ivory Coast thru 1040 Initiative from 3 Affiliates
October 2010 80 The Advantage Program in Haiti from 3 Affiliates
October 1, 2010 145 El Salvador – ADHU
September 2010 500 Zambia – supplies from many Affiliates to build 500 on location
June 18, 2010 170 Benin, West Africa from PET NY-East Jewett and PET TN-Murfreesboro
June 3, 2010 205 Ecuador from PET MO-Columbia via MedShare
February 12, 2010 27+ Honduras thru PET KS-Moundridge
January 28, 2010 7 Haiti thru Alfalit in FL
January 1, 2010 152 Honduras thru Arms of Mercy
December 9, 2009 15 Uganda thru African Renewal Ministries
December 9, 2009 30 NW Haiti Christian Mission in KY
December 1, 2009 183 MedShare in CA
November 13, 2009 70 Guatemala thru Hope Haven IM
October 1, 2009 210 India to Lions Clubs
Fall 2009 40 Cote d’Ivoire thru The Hanna Project
September 16, 2009 189 The Orphan Grain Train
July 29, 2009 200 ADHU in El Salvador
May 26, 2009 26 Sudan with MU professor
May 19, 2009 66 Sierra Leone
May 5, 2009 179 GAiN
April 21, 2009 18 Honduras thru Washington Overseas Mission
April 14, 2009 25 Sierra Leone
April 14, 2009 8 Nicaragua thru Rainbow Network
March 23, 2009 96 Guatemala thru Hope Haven IM
March 5, 2009 205 Chad/Darfur
Mar 1, 2009 20 Mozambique
January – March 2009 16 Hope Haven Intl Ministries
January – March 2009 16 Sierra Leone built in country
January – March 2009 138 Zambia built in country
January – March 2009 54 Mexico
January 19, 2009 153 The Orphan Grain Train
January 1, 2009 140 Nepal thru Lions Club
December 3, 2008 178 Tanzania
December 1, 2008 42 GAiN (Global Aid Network)
December 1, 2008 162 Kyrgyzstan
December 1, 2008 140 Zambia
October 20, 2008 150 The Orphan Grain Train
Currently working on shipment to Nepal and Angola
October 2, 2008 144 Gautemala thru Hope Haven
August 28, 2008 168 Cameroon – Baptist & Catholic Missions
Aug-08 79 Nairobi clinic
May – August 2008 100 Mexico
July 30, 2008 152 Kyrgyzstan, Orphan Grain Train
June 30, 2008 150 Iraq through US AID shipped by the US military
June 8, 2008 85 Hope Haven for Guatemala
April 1, 2008 50 Honduras
March 1, 2008 42 Hope Haven for Chad
February 4, 2008 158 Hope Haven
February 1, 2008 34 El Salvador
January 26, 2008 7 Honduras
January 17, 2008 24 Sierra Leone
January 12, 2008 6 Nicaragua
January 1, 2008 80 Honduras thru Dr. Foster Ministries
January 1, 2008 80 Honduras thru Helping Hand Inc.
January 1, 2008 20 Hope Haven
December 1, 2007 34 El Salvador and Honduras
December 1, 2007 30 Honduras thru Royal Heights UMC
December 1, 2007 100 Mongolia, Vietnam, Thailand, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Nicaragua thru Wheels for Humanity
December 1, 2007 40 Mexico
November 29, 2007 85 Hope Haven
November 27, 2007 16 Hope Haven
November 19, 2007 9 Mexico
November 1, 2007 1 Ethiopia
October 30, 2007 117 Sierra Leone
October 1, 2007 140 Haiti thru Wheels for Humanity
Sept. 26, 2007 173 Hope Haven
Sept. 1, 2007 79 Sri Lanka thru Lions Clubs
Sept. 1, 2007 2 Tajikistan
August, 2007 84 Hope Haven’s worldwide distribution
August, 2007 69 Honduras thru Missions Unlimited in AL
May 30, 2007 2 Zimbabwe thru KS mission
May 14, 2007 55 Honduras thru Mercy Ships in TX
May 1, 2007 46 Sierra Leone thru Mercy Ships in TX
May 1, 2007 1 Mexico
April 25, 2007 7 Honduras thru Missions Unlimited in AL
April, 2007 111 Honduras thru KS mission
April, 2007 22 Mexico
March, 2007 97 Zimbabwe thru Hope Haven
March 22, 2007 554 PET Zambia – supplies to build
March 4, 2007 34 Honduras thru Missions Unlimited in AL
March to June 2007 327 Hope Haven’s worldwide distribution including Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya and Nicaragua
February 6, 2007 29 Honduras thru Kansas mission
February 5, 2007 50 Wheels for Humanity
January 23, 2007 85 Hope Haven – Ecuador
January 22, 2007 8 El Salvador
January 19, 2007 4 El Salvador
January 19, 2007 8 Honduras
December 23, 2006 1 Honduras
December 18, 2006 30 Hope Haven – Sierra Leone
December 15, 2006 1 Africa
December 7, 2006 10 Iraq thru 1st UMC in Manhattan, KS
December 4, 2006 48 Honduras thru Dr. Foster in GA
December 4, 2006 50 Mexico thru North TX Methodist Conference
November 28, 2006 81 Hope Haven
November 28, 2006 20 Honduras thru Mercy Ships
October 1, 2006 10 Sierra Leone thru mission in Murfreesboro, TN
October 31, 2006 180 Sierra Leone thru Mercy Ships to New Steps
October 25, 2006 63 Hope Haven
September 27, 2006 75 Hope Haven
September 22, 2006 5 El Salvador
August 31, 2006 2 Nigeria thru Dr. Slusher in KY
August 30, 2006 1 Mexico thru North TX Methodist Conference
August 29, 2006 66 Hope Haven
August 28, 2006 1 Phillipines Lions Club as model to start production
August 24, 2006 50 Sierra Leone thru Mercy Ships to New Steps
August 22, 2006 84 Hope Haven
August 10, 2006 2 San Salvadore thru PET KS – Moundridge
July 1, 2006 1 Jamaica
July 31, 2006 30 Mexico thru PET TX – San Antonio
July 21, 2006 62 Hope Haven
June 29, 2006 35 Honduras Oak Ridge Clinic thru Mercy Ships Roratan
June 19, 2006 60 Honduras thru Missions Unlimited in AL
July 18, 2006 7 Mexico thru San Antonio Southwest Methodist Conference
June 17, 2006 50 Mongolia, VietNam, Nicaragua, Mexico, Zimbabwe
June 5, 2006 50 Sierra Leone thru Mercy Ships
June 5, 2006 6 Mexico thru North TX Methodist Conference
June 15, 2006 100 Zambia – thru Pine Castle UMC in FL to New Life Center
June 9, 2006 2 Peru – mission trip from FL to Tarapoto district
June 2, 2006 1 Namibia
May 29, 2006 47 Honduras – thru Missions Unlimited in AL
May 18, 2006 10 Mexico – 1st UMC Manhattan, KS, mission trip
May 18, 2006 61 Hope Haven International’s worldwide distribution
May 17, 2006 30 Honduras – Dr. Foster’s (of GA) clinic
May 24, 2006 2 Honduras – KS mission trip
May 1, 2006 20 Mexico – thru San Antonio, TX, mission
April 25, 2006 90 Hope Haven International’s worldwide distribution
April 3, 2006 1 Haiti – mission trip from MA
March 31, 2006 2 Peru – mission trip from FL to Tarapoto district
March 16, 2006 16 Guatemala – Missionary Ventures Intl
March 16, 2006 84 Uzbekistan – thru Hope Haven International in IA
February 22, 2006 1 Mexico – thru Andrews Children’s Clinic in AZ
February 14, 2006 112 Honduras – thru Missions Unlimited in AL
February 9, 2006 33 Uzbekistan – thru Hope Haven International in IA
February 6, 2006 3 Mexico – 1st UMC McAllen, TX
January 6, 2006 1 Thailand – Camp Tejas in TX
January 6, 2006 48 Honduras – Send Hope
January 2, 2006 49 Mercy Ships

Help us get all of our shipments to where they need to go by donating today.

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