New Shop Capital Campaign

There is an old saying “time flies when you are having fun”, that being the case we are having a ball here at PET of Southwest MO.!! Seems like just yesterday Bill Baker, Glenda, and myself, representing the 3M Sunday school class of the AUMC, went to visit Mel at the shop in Columbia, looking at what we would need to do to be able to get involved in the most worthy of projects namely helping with providing mobility to the “least of these”. Doesn’t seem possible that was six years ago almost to the day as I write this. As we started trying to put the pieces together to build PETs, as we weren’t interested in just making parts, we like to go all the way with ideas and projects we believe in, we needed a building to work out of and in the process of trying to figure this out , Jack and Verna wlhelm stepped forward with a building ideally suited for our needs, all we had to do was paint the floor and pay our own utilities. The only drawback was the building was for sale, however Jack said he would see to it we had ninety days to move in the event the property sold. Well folks that time has arrived and the building has sold and as of right now we know we can sty until the end of October 2010, beyond that we are uncertain. With this looming over us the board opted to place a sealed bid on a piece of property last fall, with the idea if the Lord wanted us to have the property we would be successful with our bid, and we were! All of that being said we are now in the process of raising funds to have a building erected on our property. In the operation of our facility the past six years, we have been able to provide almost nine hundred PETs to the handicapped. We are currently building at a record pace for us, we will exceed three hundred units this calendar year, thanks to the support from all of our contributors and the wonderful group of volunteers that put there efforts in providing this gift of mobility, from parts makers to program presenters, it takes all to accomplish the things we have done!

We anxiously await the moving into a new building which will be big enough for us to increase production substantially, after all the goal is too provide mobility to as many as possible!! We invite you to aid us in our efforts, through your prayers and gifts. You are the ones that make all this possible!! We thank you whole heartedly for your support, and wish God’s greatest blessings on you!!

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