Shipments 2020

Zambia, Africa
US Navy Hospital Ship Comfort

These are some of the shipments from our Affiliates that Mobility Worldwide helped coordinate in 2020:

Date # Source Countries Partners
12/18 154 large
15 pull
20 small
189 total
MO-Columbia Kenya Partners For Care
12/3 14 pull MO-Columbia Brother’s Brother Foundation
12/8 80 small MI-West MI Brother’s Brother Foundation
11/16 2 pull
6 small
8 total
MO-Columbia Honduras AHMEN
11/16 7 pull
10 small
17 total
MO-Columbia Liberia
11/5 20 small
28 pull
48 total
MO-Columbia Nigeria MedShare
10/23 14 large
7 pull
20 small
41 total
MO-Columbia Orphan Grain Train
10/19 10 small MI-West MI Yemen Partners for World Health
10/16 28 large TX-San Antonio Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
10/14 7 large w/MiniMart
14 pull
21 total
MO-Columbia Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
10/13 48 small
2 small push/pull
50 total
MI-West MI Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
10/6 98 large IA-Leighton Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
10/1 140 large
20 small
15 pull
175 total
MO-Columbia Kenya Partners for Care
9/15 105 large
40 small
35 pull
180 total
MO-Columbia Zambia Americares
9/11 28 pull MI-East MI Brother’s Brother Foundation
9/1 80 small MI-West MI Brother’s Brother Foundation
8/17 14 pull MI-East MI Medshare California
8/12 35 pull MO-Columbia Hospital Sisters Mission
8/11 50 small MI-West MI Medshare California
8/5 28 large TX-San Antonio Medshare California
7/21 12 small pull MI-West MI Cameroon Foundation Roi Njoya via MedShare
7/21 9 small MI-West MI Cameroon Foundation Roi Njoya via MedShare
7/21 166 large FL-Penney Farms Cameroon Foundation Roi Njoya via MedShare
7/8 KS-Moundridge 134 large Togo 4 H.I.M.
7/1 28 large TX-San Antonio Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
7/2 50 molded OH-Stow Kenya Partners for Care
7/2 50 molded
1 large
10 pull
5 small
66 total
MO-Columbia & OH-Stow Kenya Partners for Care
7/1 MO-Columbia 10 small
7 pull
17 total
Togo 4 H.I.M.
7/1 77 large AL-North AL Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
7/1 14 pull
30 small
44 total
MO-Columbia Mexico Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation
7/1 7 pull
10 small
17 total
MO-Columbia Togo
6/30 5 large MO-Columbia Nicaragua Rainbow Network
6/26 4 small MI-West MI Partners for World Health
6/10 155 large PA-Carlisle Ecuador Benemerita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia via MedShare
6/10 5 small MI-West Mi Ecuador Benemerita Sociedad Protectora de la Infancia via MedShare
6/2 35 large TN-Memphis Sierra Leone Accessible Hope International
5/28 1 small MI-West MI MedShare Georgia
5/28 24 large PA-Carlisle MedShare Georgia
5/8 4 large ME-Waterboro Pakistan Partners for World Health
5/4 182 large TX-Brazos Valley Zambia PET Zambia
5/4 70 large TX-San Antonio Zambia PET Zambia
3/25 160 large IA-Leighton Nigeria Lagos Ministry of Health via MedShare
3/18 186 large IN-DeMotte Malawi The Malawi Project
3/17 144 large OH-Stow World Vision
3/5 140 large MN-Twin Cities Gabon E4 Project
2/28 152 large
21 small
15 pull
188 total
MO-Columbia Kenya Partners for Care
2/26 21 large
7 pull
28 total
MO-Columbia Orphan Grain Train
2/25 4 small MI-West MI Partners For World Health
2/14 49 large MI-Saline Gabon E4 Project
2/13 50 large TX-San Antonio Mexico DIF – Fresnillo
1/24 2 molded OH-Stow Haiti Many Hands for Haiti
1/23 60 large AL-North AL Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach
1/17 6 large ME-Waterboro Partners for World Health
1/17 3 molded OH-Stow Kenya Partners for Care
1/15 60 small
28 pull
88 total
MO-Columbia Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach
1/10 5 large MO-Columbia Nicaragua Rainbow Network via The Container Project
1/7 30 small MI-West MI Americares
1/7 40 small MI-West MI Nigeria Lagos Ministry of Health via MedShare
1/7 20 small MI-West MI Ethiopia Yeabe Medical Center
1/8 84 large PA-Carlisle Americares
1/2 68 large FL-Penney Farms Ethiopia Yeabe Medical Center

Help us get all of our shipments to where they need to go by donating today.