
November 2010 – 104 PETs for Cote d’Ivoire through 1040i

For more details see
1040 Initiative new container for Cote d’Ivoire
More on 1040 Initiative from Mel West
PET MO-Southwest volunteers shipping 104 PETs for Cote d’Ivoire through 1040i

March 2010 – Ivory Coast Africa

Hi Jim,
Mike Cousineau gave me your address and is aware I am contacting you. I was one of the 50 team members that returned last week from our trip to the Ivory Coast in Africa. I was also one of 2 guys responsible for putting together the 40 PET Carts you donated for our mission. I am not sure how much Mike C shared with you but the trip was a Holy Spirit filled adventure. We saw miracles occur daily while we were there. Of all the blessing we received during our trip, none compared to the tears brought to our entire team watching the impact your carts had on children and adults alike.
You know, in the Bible we study how Jesus healed the sick, rose the dead and made the lame walk again. We experience the power of God through your gift. We truly saw the power of God watching the outcasts of the villages, the shunned of society go from hopeless, defeated and lame, “walk” with the use of your carts. They went from hopeless to hopeful. They went from being an outcast to becoming the envy of others because of the cool, new cart they had. Your gift inspired us more than all of the other miracles we seen during our trip. We have many pictures and several videos I would like to share with you and your group. I live in Lebanon, MO and would love to come and share my and our experiences from our trip.
I am not sure if you know, EVERYTHING in your boxes were in high demand. This includes the tin cans, milk bottles and of course the clothes. Not one single thing was wasted. If it would be possible, I would like to come share with your people the impact had not only the recipients of your carts but how it touched each one of us.
If it is possible to meet with you and/or your staff, I would love to have the opportunity to share with them the impact their efforts have on all involved.
I look forward to your reply and thank you so much for your donation. May God richly bless you, your staff and volunteers.
Michael Crump



Distributor Report

My wife and I just returned from a moving trip to Sierra Leone. It’s a desperately poor country which is struggling to recover from a terrible civil war, corrupt leadership and isolation from the rest of the developed world. Some of the warmest smiles were from a couple of young men we met at a Polio Rehab Skills Center near Freetown. These young men were completely paralyzed and withered from the waist down, but they had gotten the P.E.T. wheelchairs and they moved around with great confidence and joy. They were pleased to show them off and tell us how much the carts had meant to them. We probably saw three to four others on the streets of Freetown and Bo. We want you to know that we have seen how much they were being used and appreciated! God’s blessings to you!

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