Featured in the photo below are the first three MN-TC PET carts built in the Arlington Hills UMC in St. Paul, MN. Steve Baima, Volunteer Executive Director of PET International, was invited to visit and inspect them. He did so on Jan 19, 2012, and approved the efforts. Read the complete story in our “About Us” tab.
Rachel McDonald, a young woman doing some doctoral work and a dissertation involving grant writing with a PET focus, created this celebration video with help of friends and family.
Cart #18-500, a “milestone cart” as it represents the 500th cart built by the MN-TC shop. It is dressed up as a “Fancy Show Cart” is ready for display at churches, summer parades, and for interested groups. A whimsical presentation of a very serious topic to catch attention for Mobility Worldwide. Cart #18-500 was repainted in our standard multi-color pattern about one year later, packaged, and shipped overseas to be placed into the service of someone in need of mobility.
For the MN-TC shop, a milestone of sorts. Cart #18-1500 is the 1500th cart produced by the MN-TC shop.
L to R: Tom Montgomery, John Rost, Mark Moffitt, Darryl Dille, John Lloyd
An exciting day! Representatives of International Paper visited our MN-TC shop to present a Grant Check for $3500. A tour of our shop preceded and followed the presentation.
L to R: John Saladis, Plant General Manager, International Paper, Steven Moffitt, Shipping & Receiving Coordinator, International Paper, Mark Moffitt Mobility WW, Laura Herman Mobility WW
Hail, Hail, the gangs all here! All the shop volunteers who attended this presentation and some guests too.
L to R: Laura Herman, Ken Mallak, Hans Student, Jack Webber, Darryl Dille, Vern Silvernal, Steven Moffitt-IP, Mark Moffitt, John Lloyd, John Saladis-IP, Jim Conn
A very generous $5000+ grant made by International Paper was presented at the International Paper processing facility in Roseville, MN. Pictured here in the IP lunch / break room are: L to R: Steven Moffitt, Shipping & Receiving Coordinator, International Paper, John Rost, Mark Moffitt, and Sam Jeager, Plant Superintendent, International Paper.
The cart shown in the foreground was left at the IP plant for a time to allow all employees to examine and “test-drive” the cart.
The WELCA of Mesa, AZ hosted an Annual Soup and Salad luncheon on March 17, 2023 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Mesa, AZ. One of their members who knew about the Mobility Worldwide project invited Mark Moffitt of the MN-TC shop to speak about our project. Mark and his wife were on a vacation trip to Mesa, AZ, thus the schedule worked out perfectly. Through various fund-raising activities during the year, the WELCA collect monies to be gifted to charities of their choice. This year Mobility Worldwide was among those selected for a gift.
Thank you WELCA of Mesa, AZ for your generosity and support of Mobility Worldwide!
Mobility Worldwide
Minnesota-Twin Cities
(612) 810-1843, Ken, Shop Supervisor
(763) 742-5960, Laura, Board Chair