Due to generous gifts and hours of volunteer work #8000 Mobility cart was produced by year end 2024. These carts touch the lives of those facing mobility challenges by offering them newfound independence.

Who needs a Mobility Cart?
Millions of people in this world are in desperate need of mobility because of landmines, polio and other diseases, birth defects, and amputations. It is a life-changing event to go from dragging oneself in the dirt and mud to having three wheels to go wherever one wants to go! For a donation under $350, we can build and ship one Mobility Cart. The gift of a Mobility Cart is at no cost to the recipient….it is the Gift of Mobility.
Mobility Carts are sturdy hand-cranked vehicles given freely to the recipient. The Mobility Cart is a wheelchair that goes where wheelchairs can’t go! Nearly 100,000 Mobility Carts have been distributed worldwide.