Tennessee – Memphis

Mobility Worldwide Affiliate

Tennessee - Memphis

About Us

Mobility Worldwide-Memphis (formally known as PET Memphis) is still a thriving Ministry!

Volunteers in our Bartlett shop are shown with our 1000th Cart built in November 2022.Mobility Worldwide – Memphis completed our 1000th Cart in November 2022.

With our dedicated volunteers, we were able to finish cart #1000 and prepare it for shipment to a needy person in Africa or other countries around the world who have limited mobility needed to just get around day to day. Our shop volunteers put their heart and soul into every cart, building the best cart possible for these underprivileged people around the world!

Year Founded
Carts Built
Active Volunteers

2018 Mobility Worldwide Memphis Board Members:
Our Board of Directors meet three or four times a year and we appreciate their hard work. We are always looking for people who love our mission to serve and are interested in working on the Board. Call Mark Griffy, (901) 921-5586 for more information or email him at adgrif@aol.com Board members serve for a three-year term.
The current members:

Mark Griffy, Bartlett, TN – Executive Director
Mark Bogan, Arlington, TN – RN
Charles Anderson, Stuttgart, AR – Self-employed
Tully Noe, Bartlett, TN – Glazier
Michael Ball, Bartlett, TN – Purchasing Agent
Frank Holbrook, Martin, TN – Attorney (Ret.)
Neils French, Memphis, TN – Methodist Health Care
Debbie Griste-Evans, Bartlett, TN – School Teacher (Ret.)

Meet our newest Board member!
Julie Vukadinovich, an employee at HealthSouth Rehab, has joined the Board of Directors of Mobility Worldwide – Memphis. As a physical therapist, Julie has a strong background with extra certification in seating and assistive technology, including wheelchairs. She also is the coordinator for the Room in the Inn program at Christ United Methodist Church, where she is a member.
Welcome aboard, Julie!

Two women together one seated in a mobility cart and the other standing next to her both smiling


Your donation efforts make our mission possible. Check out our Get Involved page to donate and give the gift of mobility.

A older male Mobility Worldwide team member standing in a wear house next to a tablet checking shipping details and schedules


Be the change and help thousands around the world. Visit the volunteer page to learn how you can help us produce and distribute our mobility aids.

A younger women sitting in a blue mobility cart with a big smile on her face.

Spread the Word

Your voice gives our mission the chance to reach a broader audience. Click to learn how you can share our cause with others.

Send your checks made out to Mobility Memphis to P.O. Box 26, Ellendale, TN 38029


Come be a part and volunteer to help in our shop.

David Archer
901-371-7710   archerc7@juno.com 
Steve Ragsdale 
901-647-7546 stevier56@gmail.com

to schedule a demonstration of Mobility Worldwide-Memphis today!!


Have a question or want to know more?
Send us a message, and we’ll be happy to help!

Mobility Memphis
P.O. Box 26
Ellendale, TN 38029
(651) 261-2344

Tennessee – Memphis


Mobility Memphis
P.O. Box 26
Ellendale, TN 38029
(651) 261-2344

© 2025 Mobility Worldwide
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