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Date Shipped Number Shipped To: Description Shipped
4/5/24 180 Aztec Ministries for Mexico 112 large 40 small 28 pull
3/21/24 58 Pathways to Hope Africa, Uganda 30 Small 28 Pull
3/18/24 153 total Partners for Care #36, Kenya 153 carts ( 123 Lg, 10 Pull, 20 small), 50 mini marts, 6 sewing machines and fabric rolls. 155 walkers, crutches, canes, wheelchairs and transport chairs.
2/26/24 186 total Partners for Care #35, Kenya 156 Large, 10 pull, 20 small, 50 mini marts, 24 Sewing machines, wheelchair, walkers, crutches, canes, Fabric rolls and boxes, 14 Student collapsible desks, (leftover from Rainbow Network )
2/14/24 38 Midwest Mission Distribution Center 30 Large, 8 Small, 8 Sewing Machines, 42 School Desks
2/3/24 24 Malawi via Austin 10 smalls and 14 Pulls, and 8 sewing machines with some fabric
1/30/24 60 Americares 60 Small
12/15/23 115 Partners for Care #34, Kenya 70 Leighton Large, 65 Columbia Large, 30 Small, 20 Pull, 20 Sewing Machines, 50 Mini Marts, Walkers, Crutches , Wheelchairs, canes.
11/29/23 6 Health for India 2 L, 4 S, 2 mini-marts, 2 sewing machines
11/17/23 185 Partners for Care #33, Kenya 155 Lg, 10 Pull, 20 Small, 50 Mini-Marts
11/16/23 129 UNTO in Mt Joy, PA 21 Pull, 10 Small, 98 Large
11/14/23 14 Tomorrow, Ralph McClurg for Honduras 12lg/2 sm
11/13/23 1 The Cornerstone Foundation, Biloxi MS, for Honduras 1 Large
11/6/23 62 Orphan Grain Train 20 small, 14 Pull, 28 Large
10/19/23 62 Alfalit International 42 Large 20 Small
8/23/23 187 Partners for Care #32, Kenya 130 Lg, 27 Pull, 30 Small, 49 Mini-Marts, 41 sewing machines
8/4/23 179 Partners for Care #31, Kenya 129 Large, 20 Pull, 30 Small, 50 Mini Marts, 70 Sewing Machines
6/28/23 181 Partners for Care #30, Kenya 131 Large, 10 large unassembled, 30 Small, 20 Pull
6/21/23 45 Aztec Ministries for Mexico thru Brazos Valley 35 large and 10 small
6/19/23 20 Partners for World Health 15 large, 5 small
5/26/23 63 World Vision in PA 63 pull
5/25/23 21 Midwest Mission 7 large, 7 small, 7 pull
5/1/23 210 Partners for Care #29, Kenya 160 Large, 50 Small
4/17/23 175 Partners for Care #28, Kenya 108 Large, 30 Small, 37 Pull, 50 Mini-Mart Kits
3/17/23 209 Partners for Care #27, Kenya 131 Large, 78 Small, 40 Mini-Mart Kits
3/9/23 17 Honduras by AHMEN 16 sewing machines, 10 Lg, 3 Pull, 4 small
3/1/23 8 FAME 5 Large, 1 Pull, 2 Small
2/17/23 14 via Penney Farms for Ecuador 14 pulls
2/17/23 42 Americares, possibly for earthquake in Turkey and Syri 42 pull
2/7/23 176 Partners for Care #26, Kenya 126 Large, 20 Pull, 30 Small, 50 Mini marts, 48 sewing machines, other miscellaneous mobility
12/15/22 182 Partners for Care #25, Kenya 132 Large, 20 Pull, 30 Small, 50 Mini marts, lots of used orthopedic/mobility devices
11/16/22 62 Aztec Ministry Tami Medical Brigade 14 pull, 20 small, 28 large, 12 mini marts
11/10/22 43 to Brazos Valley for Liberian shipment 30 Small, 13 Pull
10/6/22 40 MW FL-Penney Farms shop for future shipments to partners 40 Small carts
9/21/22 10 Africa Surgery 10 Small carts
9/19/22 20 Orphan Grain Train 20 Small carts
9/19/22 40 Cameroon thru MW FL-Penney Farms shop 40 Small carts
9/15/22 140 Partners for Care #24, Kenya 90 Large, 20 Pull, 30 Small
8/5/22 10 Orphan Grain Train 10 small carts
7/29/22 130 Sierra Leone 114 Large, 10 small, 6 pull, 10 Mini-marts, And Many crutches, walkers, power chairs, shelving units, Box of Fasteners, 1 Power Wheelchair with batteries.
7/8/22 196 Partners for Care #23, Kenya 40 small, 30 Pull, 126 Large, 50 Mini-marts
5/6/22 20 Hope4ThemNow, Mexico via Brazos Valley 20 small
5/3/22 5 AHMEN 3 Pull carts, 2 small carts
5/3/22 194 Partners for Care #22, Kenya 124 Large, 30 Pull, 40 Small, 50 Mini-marts
4/14/22 38 World Vision 28 large, 10 small
3/30/22 93 Brother’s Brother Foundation 21 large, 42 pull, 30 small
3/30/22 7 Tech Serve International for Karanda Mission Hospital Zimbabwe 3 large, 3 pull, and 1 small
3/29/22 41 Aztec Ministries, Mexico 20 small, 7 pull, and 14 large
2/27/22 40 Orphan Grain Train, NE 40 small
2/22/22 189 Partners for Care #21, Kenya 99 Large, 60 Pull, 30 Small, 50 minimarts, 20 sewing machines
2/11/22 31 Orphan Grain Train, WI 7 large, 14 pull, 10 small, 12 sewing machines
1/15/22 31 Orphan Grain Train, WI 7 large, 14 pull, 10 small, 12 sewing machines
1/11/22 71 Aztec Ministry in Mexico 6 large, 49 Pull, 16 small, 6 Mini-marts and pallet of walkers, canes & crutches, 28 sewing machines
10/22/21 31 Orphan Grain Train, Norfolk NE for around the world 14 lg, 7 pull, 10 small, 4 minimarts
10/22/21 50 Kenya via Penney Farms 50 small
9/16/21 181 Partners for Care, Kenya #20 139 Large, 12 Pull, 30 Small, 50 MIni marts, 1 wheelchair, 16 Walkers, 10 crutches, 14 canes
9/3/21 14 Alfalit for Angola and Guinea 14 Large carts
8/27/21 49 Aztec Ministry in Mexico 49 pull
7/29/21 9 Rainbow Network, Nicaragua 9 large
7/22/21 82 MedShare (worldwide) 28 Large, 40 Small, 14 Pull
7/20/21 106 Americares (worldwide) 78 Large, 28 Pulls
7/20/21 14 MedShare, GA 14 Pull
7/15/21 191 Partners for Care, Kenya #19 161 Large, 10 Pull, 20 Small, 50 Mini-Marts,
6/23/21 17 Mexico 7 pull, 10 small
5/12/21 183 Partners for Care, Kenya #18 153 Large, 10 Pull, 20 Small, 50 Mini-Marts
4/13/21 48 Orphan Grain Train, Norfolk NE 20 Small, 14 Large, 14 Pull,
3/31/21 6 AHMEN for Honduras 3 Large carts with minimarts and 3 Small Carts
3/26/21 1 Ethiopia – Yeabe Medical Center and Rehabilitation LTD 1 pull
3/19/21 86 Mexico – Aztec Ministry – Grace Aire Foundation 28 large, 20 small, 38 Pull,    7 Mini-Marts
3/16/21 12 Honduras – Doors Slammed Open Ministries 12 small
3/10/21 196 Partners for Care, Kenya, #17 81 Large, 45 Pull, 70 Small, 50 Mini Marts, 32 Sewing Machines
2/24/21 17 Orphan Grain Train, Grand Island NE, for Dominican Republic 10 small carts, 7 Large carts, 8 sewing machines
1/25/21 7 Haiti 7 Pull
1/9/21 5 Rainbow Network for Nicaragua 5 large, 10 sewing machines
12/18/20 189 Partners for Care, Kenya 154 Large, 15 Pull, and 20 Small, 50 Minimarts, and 32 sewing machines, plus 23 shelf units
12/3/20 14 Brother’s Brother Foundation in Pittsburgh 14 pull
11/16/20 8 AHMEN for Honduras 2 pull, 6 small
11/16/20 17 Brazos Valley for Liberia 7 Pull and 10 small
11/4/20 48 MedShare for Nigeria 28 pull, 20 small
10/23/20 41 Orphan Grain Train 14 large, 7 pull, 20 small
10/14/20 21 Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation, Mexico 7 large w/mini mart, 14 pull
10/1/20 175 Partners for Care for Kenya 175 carts ( 140 large, 20 small, 15 Pull) 50 mini marts 56 sewing machines 3 barrels of ropes 27 shelf units 1 tub of tools
9/15/20 180 Americares for Zambia 180 mobility carts, and 20 mini marts on 24 pallets: 40 small, 35 pull, 105 Large
8/12/20 35 Hospital Sisters Mission 35 pull
7/2/20 66 Partners for Care, Kenya 50 molded, 1 large, 10 Pull, 5 small carts
7/1/20 44 Aztec Ministry – Grace-Aire Medical Foundation, Mexico 14 Pull, 30 small carts
7/1/20 17 Togo, 4 H.I.M. 7 Pull, 10 small carts
6/30/20 5 Rainbow Network, Nicaragua 5 large carts
2/28/20 188 Partners for Care, Kenya 152 large carts, 15 Pull carts, 21 small carts, & 50 Mini Marts
2/27/20 28 Orphan Grain Train 21 large carts, 7 Pull carts
1/10/20 5 Rainbow Network, Nicaragua 5 large
1/15/20 88 Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach 60 small, 28 pull
12/11/19 14 Orphan Grain Train, Grand Island Branch 14 large, 4 small, 4 pull
11/26/19 143 Thailand, BCMF 82 large, 31 small, 30 pull
11/22/19 48 total Orphan Grain Train 21 large, 7 pull, 20 small, 16 sewing machines (paid by OGT)
10/17/19 225 Partners for Care, Kenya 173 Large carts, 5 Pull carts, 10 Small carts, 50 Mini Marts, 20 sewing machines
9/25/19 120 Hope Haven International 120 small
9/25/19 spare parts Africa Surgery (Sierra Leone)
9/18/19 20 MedShare GA 20 small
9/18/19 5 AHMEN (Honduras) 5 pull
9/18/19 21 Rotary MESA 21 large
8/26/19 62 Orphan Grain Train 28 large, 14 pull, 20 small, 24 sewing machines
8/1/19 80 Washington Overseas Mission, Honduras 40 Columbia Large, 20 Pull, 20 child/small, 17 sewing machines, 9 minimarts, 37 walkers
7/26/19 40 Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach 40 small
7/24/19 5 Rainbow Network, Nicaragua 5 large
7/11/19 195 Partners for Care, Kenya 155 large, 20 pull, 20 small + 10 Mini marts
7/8/19 4 Bolivia, Salesian Missions (via Paula McCrea Holtman) 4 small
7/3/19 7 Global Aid Network (GAiN) 7 pull
6/26/19 14 Global Village Foundation Bali, Indonesia 14 pull
6/6/19 40 MedShare Nigeria
5/24/19 167 Benin thru MedShare
4/26/19 212 MedShare Nigeria 162 Large, 30 small, 20 pull
4/2/19 5 Rainbow Network, Nicaragua 5 large
3/11/19 206 Partners for Care, Kenya 156 large, 10 pull, 40 small + 10 Mini marts
2/26/19 8 AHMEN for Honduras 4 pull, 4 small
2/4/19 183 AmeriCares 105 large, 50 small, 28 pull
1/7/19 182 Kenya Relief 142 large, 40 pull
12/21/18 10 MW Brazos Valley for Burma Children Medical Fund 10 large, 5 mini mart
12/18/18 34 Washington Overseas Mission for Honduras 27 large, 4 small, 3 pull
12/10/18 54 Orphan Grain Train 14 large, 40 small
10/31/18 153 Partners for Care, Kenya 123 large, 20 small, 10 pull
10/10/18 27 MW-Memphis for Haiti in February
BSEIPH (Bureau du Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Intégration des Personnes Handicapées)
20 small, 7 pull
10/8/18 5 AHMEN for Honduras 4 small, 1 pull
9/27/18 210 1040i, Côte d’Ivoire 150 large, 40 small, 20 pull
9/11/18 10 Africa Surgery, Inc, Sierra Leone 10 small
8/17/18 14 Many Hands for Haiti 14 pull
8/3/18 196 Partners for Care for Kenya 136 Large, 40 small, 20 pull
7/3/18 40 Rotary Tanzania 40 small
6/30/18 4 Salesian Missions for Bolivia 4 small
6/27/18 22 Partners for Care for Kenya 22 large
6/20/18 54 MIERS: The International Mission for Evangelisation and Spiritual Revival for Benin 40 small, 14 pull
5/30/18 205 Partners for Care for Kenya 150 large, 30 pull, 25 small
5/11/18 14 Rainbow Network for Nicaragua 10 large, 2 small, 2 pull
4/30/18 200 Partners for Care for Kenya 150 large, 20 small, 30 pull
3/8/18 114 Orphan Grain Train 56 large, 30 small, 28 pull
2/19/18 93 MedShare – CA 56 large, 30 small, 7 pull
2/15/18 40 DIF, Acuna, Mexico
The Jocobo Rodriguez Foundation, Mexico
20 small
20 small
2/7/18 7 AHMEN for Honduras 4 small, 3 pull
1/25/18 130 Washington Overseas Mission for Honduras 81 large, 21 pull, 28 small
1/15/18 196 Partners for Care for Kenya 135 large, 40 small, 21 pull
12/19/17 3 North Kansas City Rotary Club for Jamaica 2 large, 1 small
11/29/17  180  1040i in Ivory Coast 140 large, 40 small
11/3/17 48 Nepal Lions 20 small, 28 pull
10/20/17 201 Kenya Relief 129 large, 72 small
9/22/17 52 Orphan Grain Train 42 large, 10 small
   9/11/17          8 AHMEN in GA for Honduras  6 small, 2 Pull
8/30/17 59 Burma Children’s Medical Fund 35 large, 10 small, 14 pull
 8/4/17  194 Partners for Care in Kenya 194 carts and 50 mini-marts
7/15/17 20 Orphan Grain Train 20 small
6/28/17 204 Partners for Care in Kenya 24 Small, 31 Pull, 149 Large, 15 mini-marts
  5/3/17  155 Ekwendeni CCAP Mission Hospital, Malawi  48 large, 86 small, 21 pull, 9 boxes of spare parts for maintenance
 3/24/17     4 Cross Ministries for Togo thru United Methodist Church  4 small
 3/8/17 180 MedShare in CA for worldwide  133 large, 40 small, 7 pull
3/21/17 205 Partners for Care – Kenya 115 large, 50 small, 40 pull
 1/30/17  42 MedShare in GA for worldwide  42 large
1/18/17 34 World Vision in PA 20 small & 14 Pull
1/11/17 3 Jamaica thru N Kansas City Medical & Dental Team 2 large and 1 small
12/17 205 Kenya Relief 117 large, 48 small & 40 Pull
11/2 180 Orphan Grain Train for worldwide 98 large, 40 small & 42 Pull
11/4 5 Washington Overseas Mission in Honduras 2 large, 2 small, 1 Pull
10/11 205 1040i in Ivory Coast 177 large, 10 Pull, 18 small
9/14 6 AHMEN (Honduras) 6 small
9/2 3 Mission Mobility (Guatemala) 3 small
August 17 110 World Vision – PA warehouse for worldwide 70 large/Pull & 40 small
July 22 180 MedShare’s warehouse in CA for worldwide 133 large, 40 small & 7 pull along with used walkers, crutches & canes
July 15 7 FAME in IN 4 large, 2 child, 1 Pull, 2 mini marts
June 22 27 Haiti 20 child & 7 Pull
June 10 10 Love A Child for Haiti 5 child & 5 Pull
May 13 33 Junta de Beneficencia de Guaya… in ECUADOR 33 child
May 16 196 World Vision warehouse in PA 21 child, 131 adult, 44 Pull
April 4 Kenya Relief in AL pallet of replacement parts for maintenance
March 23 169 Orphan Grain Train for worldwide 50 child, 77 adult, 42 Pull
February 26 14 World Medical Mission in NC 7 adult & 7 Pull
February 19 143 MedShare in CA for worldwide 80 child, 35 adult, 28 Pull
February 24 14 AHMEN in AL for Honduras 12 adult & 2 child
February 12 91 MedShare in GA for worldwide adult
January 13 84 Brother’s Brother Foundation in Pittsburgh for worldwide adult
January 18 5 Hope Clinic in Guinea pull, child & 3 adult
January 12 2 Jamaica thru N Kansas City Medical & Dental Team child & adult