Michigan – Saline

Mobility Worldwide Affiliate

Michigan - Saline


How Can You Help? This is a growing but daunting ministry due to the great need.  There are many ways to help as the many current volunteers and contributors have learned.

Individuals/Local Churches

  1. Pray for the more than 20 Million persons in the world who have lost the use of their legs through polio, landmines, war amputations, earthquake amputations, crocodiles, etc.
  2. Give/Raise Funds: This is always basic.  It takes money to buy metal and parts, to weld, to package, to ship, and to distribute.  Ask — and you shall receive –  is the message of scripture.  Be creative.
  3. Find People with welding, metalworking, or woodworking skills who will agree to help build Mobility Cart parts.  Help them with expenses–buy the metal, etc.
  4. Find Businesses that sell or make “off the shelf” items needed for the Mobility Carts.  Get them to donate or sell to you at no profit.
  5. Talk about Mobility Worldwide MI-Saline.  Promote. Gossip about it.  Say to folks in conversation, “Our church is doing a fascinating mission project…”  Tell the story.
  6. Link your website to ours. In your church/business website provide a brief introduction to Mobility Worldwide’s mission of mobility and then link to our website at http://MobilityMISaline.org/.

Donations can be made here.

Gifts from the Heart

Honor your loved ones while helping to provide another person with mobility.  Two gifts in one, a Gift from the Heart celebrates a special occasion, in honor of, or in memory of while supporting the work of Mobility Worldwide MI-Saline.  A note will be sent to the person being honored, and all Gifts from the Heart will be listed in our next quarterly newsletter. This gift information can be filled out on our donation form.

Estate Planning

As you consider estate planning, consider making Mobility Worldwide MI-Saline a part of those plans.  The need for the GIFT OF MOBILITY is an ongoing need with millions around the world awaiting it.

Michigan – Saline


Contact Mobility MI Saline
7055 Stony Creek Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(248) 568-1624

© 2025 Mobility Worldwide
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